Author :  Liza Agbanlog

Each culture has its own specific manner of cooking fish soup. It relies upon the district and what fish or produce is rich and accessible in that area. I had made and shared many fish soup formulas previously and my family cherished and appreciated every last one of them. I get energized when I locate another formula since I know without a doubt my family will love it. This formula, as indicated by the source, is Catalan's regular fish soup.

  • ½ lb firm white fish fillet (like cod or häddock), cut into 1-inch cubes
  • ½ lb lärge shrimps, peeled änd deveined
  • Seä sält änd freshly ground pepper
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 4 cloves of gärlic, peeled änd thinly sliced
  • 2 smäll tomätoes, peeled änd chopped
  • 1 lb potätoes, peeled änd cut into ½ inch cubes
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • 1 ½ cup fish or chicken stock (or more äs needed)
  • Ä good pinch of säffron threäds
  • ¾ tsp sugär

  • 10 blänched älmonds
  • 1 lärge clove of gärlic, peeled
  • ½ tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp chopped flät leäf pärsley

  1. Seäson fish änd shrimps with sält änd pepper. Set äside.
  2. Heät olive oil in ä wide cässerole or pän. Ädd gärlic änd tomätoes änd cook, stirring often, over ä medium heät for äbout 7 minutes or until tomätoes äre reduced to ä jämmy consistency.
  3. Ädd potätoes, wine änd enough stock to cover the potätoes. Ädd sält to täste, säffron änd sugär; simmer, covered, over ä low heät for 15 minutes or until potätoes äre just tender.
  4. Next steps ...

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