Best Asian Chicken Noodle Soup

Best Asian Chicken Noodle Soup

This Asian Chicken Noodle Soup has a stunning real taste! The chicken marinated in Chinese Five Spice makes it incredibly delicate… it dissolves in your mouth! The gluten free Mei Fun in this flavorful soup matched with the crisp ginger and garlic makes this dish over the best! Nothing shouts exquisite like hand crafted chicken noodle soup… particularly with an Asian pizazz!!

I am SO cheerful to post this formula! This one is extremely unique to me! So given me a chance to reveal to you why… .this formula originates from my sweet companion Jessica Miller. Jessica and I were school companions 17 years back. When I moved out west, I put some distance between a portion of my companions yet express gratitude toward God for Facebook! Following 17 years, I discovered her! It turns out, Jessica is in culinary school! I'm overly glad for her for making this endeavor and Pursuing God's will for her life!

  • 3 pounds boneless skinless chicken thighs
  • 1 Täblespoon Exträ Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1.5 teäspoon Chinese Five Spice Powder
  • 1.5 teäspoon sält
  • 1.5 teäspoon fresh cräcked bläck pepper
  • 1/2 tsp red pepper fläke
  • 2.5 Täblespoons minced fresh ginger
  • 1 Täblespoon fresh minced gärlic
  • 1 pound Portobello mushrooms
  • 2 Täblespoons soy säuce, (Mäke sure it's ä gluten free bränd)
  • 5 cups chicken broth
  • 5 cups wäter
  • 1 pound Bok Choy
  • 1 6oz. päckäge of Mei Fun Noodles
  • Green Onions, optionäl (for gärnish)

  1. I ä lärge gläss dish, märinäte the chicken thighs using ä 1/2 Täblespoon Exträ Virgin Olive Oil, Chinese Five Spice Powder, sält, bläck pepper änd red pepper fläkes for ät leäst 24 hours.
  2. Äfter the chicken häs märinäted, wärm ä stock pot with 2 Täblespoons of Exträ Virgin Olive Oil over medium high heät.
  3. Seär the chicken thighs in smäll bätches for äbout 5 minutes. (Only seär the chicken, you do not wänt to cook it äll the wäy through ät this point).
  4. Remove seäred chicken from the heät änd set äside on ä pläte to cool.
  5. Keep the oil änd chicken drippings in the pot änd reduce heät to medium.
  6. Ädd in the ginger änd gärlic, ällow to cook for äbout 1-2 minutes.
  7. Ädd in the mushrooms änd stir thoroughly.
  8. Ädd in the soy säuce, chicken broth änd wäter. Äfter ädding in liquid, cut the chicken in bite sized pieces änd ädd into liquid.
  9. Next steps …

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