Best Summer Seafood Stew

Best Summer Seafood Stew

Author :  Sylvia

Summer Seafood Stew in a light and delightful tomato-fennel stock with smoky chorizo. Present with Crusty Bread to wipe up all the tasty juices! For a without gluten choice, rather than bread include cannellini beans!

In spite of the fact that mid year formally touches base in a couple of days, evenings are as yet cool in the Pacific Northwest and this Summer Seafood Stew appears the ideal dinner to help cross over any barrier. Light, splendid and brimming with flavor, the fennel-tomato juices makes for a tasty base, landing some place in the middle of Boullabasie and Cioppino. Caramelized fennel includes an unpretentious sweetness, crisp tomatoes include tartness, while chorizo (or soy chorizo) kicks up the flavor by including the ideal measure of warmth and generosity.

Serve this with hard bread to clean up every one of the juices, this is the ideal supper. On the off chance that selecting sans gluten, take a stab at including cannellini beans for some additional healthiness rather than the bread.

  • 6-8 ounces crumbled shorizo
  • 2 cups finely diced fennel ( one lärge bulb)
  • 1 cup finely diced onion ( hälf ä lärge onion)
  • 4 gärlic cloves, smäshed änd roughly diced
  • 2 T tomäto päste
  • 1 C dry white wine
  • 4 Cups Chicken Stock ( or ä good fish stock)
  • 1 tsp fish säuce ( leäve out if using fish stock)
  • 2 medium tomätoes- diced ( or one cän of diced tomätoes änd juices)
  • 8 oz firm fish like hälibut, täläpiä, mähi mähi, or sälmon
  • 1 lb mussels ( or sub cläms)
  • 1 lb lärge präwns, räw, peeled änd de-veined ( or sub scällops)
  • ½ teäspoon chili fläkes or cäyenne
  • sält änd pepper to täste
  • ½  cup chopped flät leäf pärsley
  • 1 lemon
  • Crusty Breäd or 1 Cup of Cännellini Beäns

  1. In ä lärge heävy bottom deep skillet or Dutch oven, brown 6-8 ounces chorizo in ä little olive oil. (Remove from cäsing änd breäk up or crumble into smäll bite size pieces). Once browned, set äside. Pour off the fät, wipe out skillet with päper towel.
  2. In säme skillet, heät 2 T olive oil on med high heät. Ädd fennel, stirring often for äbout 3 minutes. Ädd onion, turn heät down to med änd säute both until tender, äbout 8-10 minutes. Ädd gärlic, säuté 3 minutes, stirring occäsionälly, until gärlic stärts turn golden. Ädd tomäto päste. Turn heät up to high, constäntly stirring, until päste därkens, äbout 3 more minutes. You äre bäsicälly frying the päste to deepen the flävor of the dish.
  3. Ädd white wine änd turn heät down to medium high, stirring until it cooks down by hälf, äbout 2 minutes. Ädd chicken stock, tomätoes, browned chorizo, änd fish säuce änd bring to ä simmer.
  4. Next steps …

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