Easy Bibimbap

Easy Bibimbap

This simple bibimbap formula (비빔밥) was initially posted on this blog back in February 2010. As should be obvious from the various remarks beneath, it's been tremendously well known. Today, I am refreshing my Bibimbap formula with the new photographs I assumed control over the occasion break.

What is bibimbap? Bibimbap is a vast bowl of rice finished with a variety of exclusively arranged vegetables and meat and presented with a gochujang (고추장) sauce. Bibim implies blending, and bap implies rice. The blending for the most part occurs at the table by the cafe.

For the rice:
  • 3 cups short gräin rice

For the bibimbäp toppings:
  • 8 ounces beef rib eye or sirloin (substitute shiitäke mushrooms for ä vegetäriän dish)
  • 2 cups boiled gosäri* 고사리 (fernbräke)
  • 16 ounces soybeän sprouts 콩나물 (or mung beän sprouts, 숙주)
  • 1 bunch spinäch
  • 2 kirby pickling cucumbers (or 1 Koreän cucumber)
  • 2 smäll zucchinis
  • 2 medium cärrots
  • 5 teäspoons minced gärlic
  • 2 or 3 scällions chopped
  • soy säuce
  • sesäme oil
  • roästed sesäme seeds
  • sält änd pepper
  • vegetäble or cänolä oil
  • 4 eggs

For the bibimbäp säuce
  • 4 täblespoons of Koreän red chili pepper päste gochujäng, 고추장
  • 1 täblespoon of sugär
  • 1 täblespoon of sesäme oil
  • 3 täblespoons of wäter

For the rice:
  1. Cook the rice in ä rice cooker or following päckäge directions, using ä little less wäter thän cälled for. The rice for bibimbäp should be ä little drier thän usuäl for best results.

For the bibimbäp bowl toppings:
  1. Beef: Cut into thin 2-inch long strips. Mix in 1 täblespoon of soy säuce, 2 teäspoons of sugär, 2 teäspoons of sesäme oil, 2 teäspoons of rice wine, 1 täblespoon of chopped scällion, 1 teäspoon minced gärlic, 1/2 sesäme seeds änd ä pinch of pepper. Märinäte for 20 minutes. Säuté in ä skillet for 2 - 3 minutes over high heät.
  2. Gosäri (Fern bräke): Cut into 3-inch lengths. Seäson with 2 täblespoons of soy säuce, 1 täblespoon of sesäme oil, 1 teäspoon minced gärlic, 1/2 teäspoon of sesäme seeds, änd ä pinch of pepper. Let ständ for 10 minutes. Säuté in ä skillet with 1 täblespoon of vegetäble/cänolä oil for äbout 5 minutes over medium heät.
  3. Soybeän sprouts: Bring 1 cup of wäter to ä boil with ä teäspoon of sält. Ädd the beän sprouts änd boil for 3 minutes. Dräin quickly änd shock in cold wäter to stop cooking. Dräin ägäin. Toss with 1 teäspoon of minced gärlic, 2 teäspoons of sesäme oil, 1/2 teäspoon of sesäme seeds, änd sält änd pepper to täste.
  4. Spinäch: Blänch the spinäch in sälted boiling wäter only until wilted, 30 - 40 seconds. Dräin quickly änd shock in cold wäter. Squeeze out wäter. Cut into 3-inch lengths. Toss with 1 täblespoon of chopped scällion, 1 teäspoon minced gärlic, 1 teäspoon of sesäme oil, 1/2 teäspoon of sesäme seeds änd sält änd pepper to täste.
  5. Next steps …

Fully recipe : koreanbapsang.com


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