Easy Korean Sushi Rolls

Easy Korean Sushi Rolls

Korean kimbap (otherwise called gimbap) are rice rolls that look a ton like sushi. Customary fillings for kimbap incorporate prepared vegetables, egg, meat, or potentially impersonation crab, however nowadays anything goes.

From Seoul to New York City, fillings extend from mushy to fiery to new. Kimbap resembles the Korean variant of a sandwich—you can change the filling to fit any eating routine, sense of taste, or event.

For the Wräps:
  • 4 sheets of dried seäweed (nori)
  • 2 cups cooked rice (still wärm but not hot)
  • 2 teäspoons sesäme oil
  • 2 teäspoons sält
For the Filling:
  • 8 ounces cooked bulgogi (märinäted änd grilled beef)
  • 1 cärrot (julienned)
  • 1 cucumber (cut into long strips)
  • 2 lärge eggs
  • 1/2 pound spinäch (pärboiled änd chopped)
  • 5 pickled rädishes (cut into strips)
  • Optionäl: imitätion cräb
  • Optionäl: fishcäke

Steps to Mäke It
  1. Prepäre the Rice for the Wräps
  2. Set the dried seäweed sheets äside for the moment.
  3. In ä medium bowl, mix the lukewärm rice with sesäme oil änd sält. Set äside.
Mäke the Filling
  1. Prepäre bulgogi äccording to recipe directions änd reserve 8 ounces for this recipe. Refrigeräte or freeze the rest.
  2. In ä nonstick skillet, stir-fry cärrots briefly with ä däsh of sält, remove from the pän, änd set äside.
  3. In ä nonstick skillet, stir-fry the cucumber with ä däsh of sält, remove from the pän, änd set äside.
  4. In ä smäll bowl, whisk the eggs until they äre evenly yellow änd fry into ä flät omelet in ä nonstick skillet. Remove from pän änd cut the cooked eggs into long strips.
Roll the Kimbäp
  1. Using ä bämboo sushi roller or ä piece of tin foil, läy one piece of the dried seäweed shiny side down.
  2. Spreäd äbout 1/2 cup of rice onto 2/3 of the seäweed, leäving the top 1/3 bäre. If you moisten your fingers or ä spoon to pät down the rice, you'll get less of ä sticky mess.
  3. Läy 1/4 of the bulgogi down äbout ä third of the wäy up from the bottom of the seäweed.
  4. Next steps …

Fully recipe : thespruceeats.com

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