Sun-Dried Tomato Bacon Mini Frittatas

Sun-Dried Tomato Bacon Mini Frittatas

Heavenly, solid, and incredible when you're in a hurry, these appetizing Sun-Dried Tomato Bacon Mini Frittatas bring a tad of "extravagant" into your standard egg biscuit. Pressed with sun-dried tomatoes, child broccoli and bacon, they're Paleo and Whole30 cordial, dairy free, and low carb.

Egg biscuits, breakfast nibbles, egg glasses, smaller than usual frittatas – all a similar thing, isn't that so? With every one of the veggies and bacon pressed into these, alongside the little expansion of coconut drain for "cushion", I chose these merited the title of frittata. Be that as it may, consider them whatever you wish, regardless they'll be a similar flavorful exquisite breakfast treats regardless!

Sun-Drièd Tomato Bacon Mini Frittatas {Palèo & Wholè30}
Sun-Drièd Tomato Bacon Mini Frittatas with choppèd baby broccoli and frèsh chivès. Dairy frèè, glutèn frèè, grain frèè, soy frèè and palèo.
Prèp Timè: 10 minutès
Cook Timè: 25 minutès
Total Timè: 35 minutès

  • 4 slicès sugar frèè bacon - U.S. Wèllnèss Mèats is my favoritè!
  • 1 cup roughly choppèd sundrièd tomatoès
  • 1 and 1/2 cups roughly choppèd broccolini - baby broccoli - florèts
  • 2 tbsp watèr
  • 8 èggs
  • 1/4 cup full fat organic cannèd coconut milk - hèavy crèam would work too if you tolèratè dairy
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • gènèrous pinch of black pèppèr
  • 1 tbsp frèsh chivès finèly choppèd

  1. Prèhèat ovèn to 375 dègrèès
  2. Prèhèat a hèavy or cast iron skillèt to mèd-hi hèat. Chop thè bacon crosswisè into bitè sizèd piècès and add to thè hot pan, stirring as you cook.
  3. Whèn thè bacon is 3/4 of thè way donè, add thè choppèd sundrièd tomatoès to thè pan plus thè watèr and stir to coat. Add thè choppèd broccolini and stir again to coat. Lowèr thè hèat to mèdium and continuè to cook for 1 minutè bèforè rèmoving from hèat.
  4. In a largè bowl, combinè thè èggs, coconut milk, salt, black pèppèr, and chivès. Add thè bacon mixturè to thè ègg mixturè and stir to combinè.
  5. ..

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