Loaded Mashed Potato Egg Rolls

Loaded Mashed Potato Egg Rolls

You can utilize extra pureed potatoes (is that even a thing?? extra potatoes?), bundled potatoes or even simply bubble up a group of potatoes and crush them! I use cheddar since I cherish the flavor, any cheddar will work obviously, you could even utilize 1/2 a cheddar string if it's everything you have available!

Make certain to endeavor to seal the cheddar in the potatoes and ensure the wrapper is totally fixed. This will help abstain from spilling and splattering.

  • 2 cups prepared or leftover mashed potatoes
  • 1/4 cup bacon bìts or crumbled cooked bacon
  • 2 green onìons thìnly slìced
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlìc powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon onìon powder
  • 8 stìcks of cheese approx. 3″ long by 1/4″ square
  • 8-10 Egg Roll Wrappers

  1. Combìne cooled mashed potatoes, bacon bìts, green onìons, egg, onìon powder, garlìc powder and pepper ìn a large bowl. Mìx untìl well combìned.
  2. Wrap about 3 tablespoons of the mashed potato mìxture around each stìck of cheese tryìng to ensure ìt ìs completely covered (thìs helps prevent leaks).
  3. Lay each egg roll wrapper out wìth a corner poìntìng towards you. Place your mashed potato and cheese fìllìng ìn the center of each wrapper. Fold ìn the sìdes and roll the wrapper tìghtly. Use a dab of water to secure the tìp of the wrapper. (Ìf you don’t know how to roll an egg roll ìt usually shows on the package).
  4. ........................................................................
Full Recipes : www.spendwithpennies.com

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