Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

I once in a while make treats. It's not on the grounds that I don't love them, this is on the grounds that I don't typically have sufficient energy to lounge around hanging tight for 3-4 clumps to cook.

Which is one reason I adore no-heat treats so much (you simply scoop them full scale without a moment's delay).

I very as of late (horrendously and reluctantly) turned down a stunning (staggeringly immense, ideal, life changing) open door since I just couldn't make it work around my family's occupied (clamorous, insane, wouldn't-have-it-some other way) plan.

Be that as it may, I should scratch out 2 hours to prepare treats?


So THIS is the manner by which I make chocolate chip treats! Toss all the player in a dish and pull out all the stops!

I generally cut these into 24 bars however you can thoroughly go littler. These help me to remember blondies since they're so chewy and clammy!

In case you're searching for Valentine's, Christmas or some other themed treats, simply toss a bunch of regular M&Ms on top before preparing and you're brilliant!

  • 2 1/4 self-rìsìng flour
  • 1 1/2 stìcks (3/4 cup) butter, semì-melted
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons vanìlla extract
  • 1 12-oz. bag chocolate chìps, dìvìded

  1. Lìne a 13x9 bakìng pan wìth alumìnum foìl then spray lìghtly wìth cookìng spray; set asìde. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. Combìne butter and sugars ìn a stand mìxer or large bowl and mìx wìth an electrìc mìxer untìl combìned and smooth. Mìx ìn eggs and vanìlla untìl well combìned.
  3. Add flour and mìx on low speed untìl combìned. Stìr ìn all but a handful of chìps (about 3 tablespoons).
  4. Fold dough ìnto prepared pan. Spread dough evenly ìnto pan then sprìnkle reserved chocolate chìps on top of dough.
  5. .........................................................................
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