Sweet Vanilla Caramel Swiss Roll

Sweet Vanilla Caramel Swiss Roll

Author :  Anina

A vanilla swiss move with caramel filling has dependably been my most loved heated treat. Such a flexible pastry, it very well may be changed into a wide range of flavor thoughts.

With the cake being a chocolate, vanilla, marble or mocha – the joy of this cake lies in the filling. From caramel, vanilla icing, your most loved jam, chocolate cream, coagulated cream, cream cheddar; the capability of this flexible cake are endless!

This formula I should include is fast and simple. At first I figured I could never get those egg whites collapsed into the hitter. The more you crease, the more the hitter consolidates the egg, bringing about an amazing light and cushy blend.

  • 1 cup castór sugar
  • 4 large eggs seperated
  • 1 teaspóón vanilla essence
  • 1 cup flóur
  • 2 teaspóóns baking pówder
  • pinch salt
  • 1/4 cup cóld water
  • castór sugar tó róll fór sugar crust
  • 1 can cóóked sweetened cóndensed milk fór the filling

  1. In a mixing bówl, mix with an electric mixer ón high, castór sugar and egg yólks until creamy.
  2. Add vanilla essence and mix. Add a little bit óf water tó the mixture.
  3. In a different mixing bówl, sift the flóur, baking pówder and salt.
  4. Add tó the sugar and egg mixture and mix well.
  5. Next steps …

Fully recipe : aninas-recipes.com

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