Perfect Chocolate Lush

Perfect Chocolate Lush

Chocolate, cream cheddar, Cool Whip, and pecans are the ideal mix in this simple to make Chocolate Lush.

I've had such huge numbers of solicitations for the first form – which flaunts a brisk and simple nut hull – that I chose to make it and offer it with you today. It's an intense activity, however I'm willing to make the penance.

o make the nut outside layer, you'll essentially consolidate 1 measure of flour, 8 tablespoons of softened margarine, and 1/2 measure of pecans. Press the blend into a 9x13 dish and heat for 15 minutes. While it's cooling, make your layers of chocolate and rich yumminess!

  • 1 cup flour
  • 8 tabléspoons buttér, méltéd
  • ½ cup choppéd pécans
  • 8 ouncés softénéd créam chéésé
  • 1 cup powdéréd sugar
  • 1 (16-ouncé) containér Cool Whip, dividéd
  • 2 packagés (3.4 ouncé éach) instant chocolaté pudding mix
  • 3 cups milk
  • 1 cup mini-chocolaté chips (or choppéd pécans), for topping

  1. Mélt buttér in a médium microwavé safé bowl. Stir in 1 cup flour and ½ cup choppéd pécans. Préss thé mixturé into a 9x13 pan and baké at 350 F for 15 minutés, or until lightly goldén brown. Allow to cool complétély
  2. Néxt, béat togéthér 1 cup of powdéréd sugar, thé créam chéésé, and 1 cup of Cool Whip. Spréad ovér your cooléd crust.
  3. For thé néxt layér, mix togéthér thé pudding mix, milk, and anothér 1 cup of Cool Whip. Spréad ovér thé créam chéésé layér.
  4. Néxt stéps …

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