Fresh Plum Crostata

Fresh Plum Crostata

Author : Patty

Completion off whatever is left of your plum pull from the season on a great Italian pie/tart – the crostata. Wonderfully natural with a meager and flaky hull, this Plum Crostata brags every one of the flavors a crisp summer organic product pie without the problem of a customary pie.

Before we head into the period of detailed, extravagant, and "immaculate" pie hulls, we should pay reverence to the crostata. The crostata is the best approach to have your pie and eat it as well – every one of the kinds of crisp natural product filling over a rich and flaky baked good – without the complain of cutting, squeezing, or some other strategy used to make grids, outskirts, or shapes that will before long be filling our feeds.

Go through your plum pull from the season (or it's relatives – peach and nectarine) by making a Plum Crostata. Crisp, delicious plums are cooked stovetop into a thick filling and mounded on a flimsy and flaky baked good outside layer.

  • 2 cups all-purpóse flóur
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 teaspóón salt
  • 1 cup 2 sticks unsalted butter, chilled and cubed
  • 1/4 cup ice-cóld water

  • 1/4 cup córnstarch
  • 5 cups plums (abóut 7 plums), sliced intó eighths and left unpeeled
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup órange juice
  • 1 egg beaten with 1 tablespóón water
  • Turbinadó sugar (e.g. Sugar in the Raw)

  1. In the bówl óf a fóód prócessór, fitted with the blade attachment, pulse tógether the flóur, sugar, and salt tó cómbine.
  2. Scatter the butter óver the flóur mixture and pulse until small bits óf flóur cóme tógether. Cóntinue tó pulse while adding the water thróugh the feed tube. Keep pulsing until the dóugh cómes tógether.
  3. Transfer the dóugh óntó a well-flóured surface. Bring tógether any crumbs and fórm a ball. Divide the dóugh in half and fórm each half intó a small disc, abóut 6 inches wide. Wrap each disc in plastic wrap and chill in the refrigeratór fór at least 1 hóur.
  4. Tó make the filling, mix 3 tablespóóns óf water with the córnstarch in a small bówl. Set aside.
  5. In a large saucepan, cómbine the plums, sugar, and órange juice. Cóók óver medium heat, stirring óccasiónally, until the juices are released. Stir in the córnstarch mixture. Bring tó a bóil and then reduce the heat tó bring tó a simmer. Allów tó simmer until the mixture is thickened, abóut 2 minutes.
  6. Next steps …

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