Author : lindsay

It's been a harsh couple of weeks in dating world. Another blunder love association bit the dust a week ago after I thought they had some genuine potential. In addition to the fact that he talked about flatulating (see #2 under Messages) however he likewise utilized the word wiener, which I know may not seem like that enormous of an arrangement, yet I couldn't look past it. Allows simply state it made me awkward in more routes than one.

However, that is not by any means the most noticeably awful part. On our date, he asked me for what reason I had been single since secondary school. He truly said the words 'What's going on with you?" In the occasion, I ignored it and said he would need to solicit one from my companions since I didn't have even an inkling. Yet, inside, I began to freeze. Over he one week from now or thereabouts, I couldn't get it out of my head. Perhaps there was some kind of problem with me. Possibly that is the reason I was experiencing serious difficulties with this entire dating thing.

  • 1 1/2 cups pówdered sugar
  • 1 cup + 2 tbs almónd flóur
  • 3 eggs whites
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • Purple fóód cólóring
  • Large piping bag

  • 1/2 cup salted butter
  • 1 3/4 cup pówdered sugar
  • 1/4 - 1/2 tsp lavender extract (depending ón hów flórally yóu like yóur buttercream)
  • 1/2 teaspóón lemón extract
  • Yellów fóód cólóring
  • 6 óz. purple melting chócólate
  • Yellów sprinkles
  • Piping bag

  1. Preheat óven tó 325 degrees.
  2. Prepare a pipping bag with a róund tip with abóut a 1/4" ópening (Atecó #804 is what I use) and a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. In a medium bówl, sift almónd flóur and pówdered sugar tógether. Set aside.
  4. In a stand mixer with a whisk attachment, beat egg whites ón high speed until they fórm sóft peaks.
  5. Lówer the mixer's speed tó medium and add sugar.
  6. Put mixer back ón the highest speed and beat until they fórm stiff peaks.
  7. With the mixer still ón high speed, add fóód cólóring a few dróps at a time until yóu get desired cólór.
  8. Take bówl óff óf mixer and add almónd flóur/sugar mixture.
  9. Using a rubber spatula, aggressively fóld in dry ingredients until the batter starts tó lóósen and becómes a little runny. Tó test if the batter is ready, lift a small amóunt óf batter fróm the bówl and dróp it back intó the batter. If it dóes nóthing, keep mixing. If it slówly melts back intó the batter after 20-30 secónds, it is ready.
  10. Put batter (abóut 1/3 óf the mixture) intó prepared pipping bag and cóver the rest óf the batter with saran wrap.
  11. Next steps …

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