Easy Thai Red Curry

Easy Thai Red Curry

Author : Chichi

Need a speedy formula for chicken, this is one of my staples for chicken I have been making for a considerable length of time and it truly needn't bother with a great deal of fixings, the most critical is to have new basil. When I go to the Asian market I constantly stock up on Thai red curry glue, and coconut milk. The green curry glue is extraordinary combined with vegetables on the off chance that you are veggie lover particularly flavorful with eggplants. I likewise purchase my basil at the Asian markets I discover it is fresher and you get more for your buck.

  • Chickên brêast - 2
  • Thai rêd curry pastê - 2 TBSP
  • Oil - 2 tsp
  • Gingêr - 4 slicês
  • Garlic - 1 mincêd
  • Onion - 1/2
  • Rêd bêll pêppêr - 1/2
  • Grêên bêll pêppêr - 1/2
  • Carrot - 1-2
  • Sugar - 1 1/2 TBSP
  • Fish saucê - 1 TBSP
  • Coconut milk - 1/2 can
  • Frêsh basil lêavês - A handful

  1. Cut thê chickên brêast into thin strips and sêason with salt and pêppêr, sêt asidê.
  2. Havê all your vêgêtablês rêady, slicê thê onions, gingêr, pêppêrs and carrots thinly. Mincêd thê garlic. Sêt asidê.
  3. Nêxt stêps …

Fully rêcipê : chichilicious.com

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