Delicious spinach and artichoke melts

Delicious spinach and artichoke melts

Author : Tieghan

So you realize your most loved gathering plunge, spinach and artichoke? No doubt, I completely slathered that ALL over some bread and flame broiled it up barbecued cheddar style. It's basically the best thing your face is going to meet today. I mean it's Monday, let's face it we don't experience a ton of incredibleness on a Monday. No offense to your supervisor, spouse, your children or that exhausting turkey sandwich you would have eaten.

Have you folks at any point been to a Claddagh Irish Pub? They have a couple in Ohio, Pennsylvania and I think a couple of different states in the Midwest. I have possibly been there a bunch of times when I was more youthful, yet I generally got a similar thing, the Chicken Spinach Melt.

My grandmother and I would go out on the town to shop on the ends of the week a great deal, we like to shop and she wants to go out to lunch. So we'd shop, burn some major calories, and have some lunch. I know really fun right? Sounds like a decent Saturday to me!

  • 1 tabléspoon buttér
  • 1 clové garlic mincéd or gratéd
  • 1 tabléspoon flour
  • 1/2 cup milk (I uséd 2% but whatévér you havé will bé finé)
  • 1 ouncé créam chéésé
  • 1/2 cup shréddéd mozzarélla chéésé
  • 1/2 cup gratéd parmésan chéésé
  • 1/2 cup gréék yogurt I uséd 0%
  • 1/2 téaspoon crushéd réd péppér flakés optional
  • 1/2 téaspoon péppér
  • 1/2 cup frozén choppéd spinach thawéd, about 5 ouncés
  • 1 (8 ouncé) jar grilléd artichoké héarts or you can sub marinatéd artichokés choppéd
  • 1 chickén bréast grilléd and slicéd thin (optional)
  • 8 slicés thick sourdough or tuscan bréad
  • buttér for spréading

  1. Mélt buttér in a skillét ovér médium héat. Add thé mincéd garlic and cook for a couplé of minutés. Whisk in flour until it makés a pasté. Cook ovér médium-low héat for a minuté or two, thén pour in milk. Stir and cook oné minuté, if your pasté géts too thick splash in moré milk.
  2. Add créam chéésé, mozzarélla, parmésan and péppér. Stir until chéésés aré méltéd. Stir in thé gréék yogurt until smooth. Chop artichokés and spinach and add to thé saucé. Stir to combiné. Dip will bé thick, just usé somé musclé and stir in thosé véggiés!
  3. Néxt stéps …

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