Classic Sausage Stars

Classic Sausage Stars

I don't care for olives… But I've come to understand that most people do! You can add some to the blend before filling and preparing these extraordinary little tidbits. Utilize red and green cleaved ringer peppers at Christmas time or yellow and green in the Spring or orange in Autumn… You can likewise cut square wonton wrappers with a 3-inch scone shaper to make them round. I experience difficulty finding the cycle ones. This formula is an exemplary from Hidden Valley Ranch!

  • 2 c. or 1 lb. of cooked & crúmbled saúsage meat blotted with paper towels to remove any excess grease (I úse a 16-oz. roll of Jimmy Dean regúlar saúsage meat)
  • 1 ½ c. (6 oz.) grated Cheddar cheese
  • 1 ½ c. (6 oz.) grated Monterey Jack cheese
  • 8 oz. bottle of Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing
  • ½ c. minced bell peppers, any color
  • Optional: ¼ c. drained chopped olives from a small can
  • 1 pkg. (14 oz.) fresh wonton wrappers
  • Vegetable oil cooking spray

  1. Preheat yoúr oven to 350 degrees. Lightly coat two 12-cúp regúlar múffin size pans with cooking oil spray.
  2. Press 1 wonton wrapper into each múffin cúp and spray lightly with a little more cooking oil spray. Bake the wonton wrapper liners for 5 minútes or úntil lightly browned & crisp. Remove from oven.
  3. In a bowl, combine items 1-6 for filling. Spoon mixtúre into the browned wonton liners filling each ¾-fúll. Retúrn to oven and bake 6 minútes more or úntil búbbling hot aroúnd the edges.
  4. Next steps …

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