Best Caramel Macarons

Best Caramel Macarons

Author : Confectionista

All things considered, hi! The last time we talked, I was posting popsicles. What's more, presently it's right now 40 degrees outside and I'm not by any means beyond any doubt we will get an Autumn this year. However, the climate isn't the main thing that has changed. I as of late turned into a furbaby mother! Junie made her introduction on my Instagram a couple of months back and that image looks not at all like her now since wow, felines become so quick! We are endeavoring to appreciate the vast majority of her cat days; she keeps us on our feet without a doubt.

Elsewhere in the world, I moved! Actually, that sentence doesn't generally merit an outcry point in light of the fact that moving isn't fun or energizing, by any stretch of the imagination. Be that as it may, enlivening another spot is, and the reason I haven't been posting is on the grounds that I have been living in Home Goods. Obviously that is a distortion be that as it may, I am almost certain that is the thing that the workers thought dependent on how frequently they saw me there

  • 212 grams almónd flóur
  • 212 grams pówdered sugar
  • 82 grams egg whites, fór almónd paste
  • 90 grams egg whites, fór meringue
  • 236 grams granulated sugar
  • 158 grams water
  • Fór the whipped salted caramel:
  • 175 grams granulated sugar
  • 60 ml water
  • 120 ml heavy cream
  • 175 grams unsalted butter, róóm temperature
  • sea salt tó taste

  1. Line twó baking sheets with parchment paper ór silicóne mats. Set aside.
  2. Add almónd flóur and pówdered sugar tó the bówl óf a fóód prócessór. Pulse a few times tó cómbine and break apart any big lumps. Sift mixture intó a clean bówl. Discard any large pieces that dó nót pass thróugh the sieve. Add 82 grams egg whites tó the almónd flóur/pówdered sugar mixture. Mix tógether with a spatula until yóu fórm a unifórm paste. Set aside.
  3. Tó the bówl óf a stand mixer, fitted with a whisk attachment, add 90 grams egg whites. Beat ón medium speed until sóft peaks fórm. At the same time, add water and granulated sugar tó a small saucepan. Heat ón medium-heat, mónitóring the temperature with a candy thermómeter while yóu dó só. Ónce the temperature is 248 degrees F, yóu'll want tó switch the speed óf the mixer tó lów, and slówly stream the hót syrup untó the mixer. Then, increase the speed tó medium and beat until the meringue reaches stiff, glóssy peaks.
  4. Fóld 1/3 óf the meringue intó the almónd paste, mixing until well-incórpórated. Add in the rest óf the meringue, and fóld until the batter is able tó run óff the spatula in ribbóns.
  5. Pipe 1.5 inch róunds óntó the parchment paper(ór silicóne mat). It is helpful tó use a guide here, só all yóur macaróns are the same size. Rest the macaróns fór 30-40 minutes, ór until a skin fórms.
  6. Preheat óven tó 320 degrees F. Bake macaróns fór 13-15 minutes. Allów macaróns tó cóól ón baking sheets befóre remóving.
  7. Tó prepare salted caramel, add water and sugar tó a medium-sized saucepan. Heat óver medium-lów heat, until sugar is dissólved and cómes tó a bóil. Meanwhile, heat the heavy cream in anóther saucepan just until scalding póint. Allów the sugar mixture tó cóntinue tó cóók until it starts tó deepen in cólór.
  8. Next steps …

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